Saturday, November 30, 2019
Social Classes in the Philippines Essay Sample free essay sample
Maginoo – This comprises of the aristocracy of the early caste system. which largely refers to the governing category of Datus. Rajahs and their households. A datu with power over a big country held the rubric Lakan or Rajah. The Datu is a leader. a go-between in differences. and was responsible for the public assistance of the people within his legal power. Work force and adult females of this category were by and large referred to with the respectful rubric of Ginoo. Individually. the footings. Gat. significance Lord. or Dayang. intending Lady. preceded by their names. The rubric of Datu ( Sultanante ) can be acquired through blood line of descent or if a common man showed exceeding accomplishments particularly in Acts of the Apostless of courage and gallantry. Timawa – The timawa category were free common mans of Luzon and the Visayas who could have their ain land and who did non hold to pay a regular testimonial to a Maginoo. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Classes in the Philippines Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page though from clip to clip. be obliged to work on a datu’s land and aid in community undertakings and events. They were free to alter their commitment to another datu if they married into another community or if they decided to travel. Maharlika – The Tagalog maharlika rendered military service to the datu at his ain disbursal and shared with his leader the spoils of war. They by and large have the same rights and duties as a timawa. This category disappeared sometime in the 1630’s when the Spaniards were able to unite diverse affinity groups ( Rodriguez. 1998 ) . Alipin – These were prisoners of war. those unable to pay their debts. all illicit kids ; those purchased. and punished felons. In the Visayas. an alipin was called oripun. They are divided into two types: †¢ Aliping Namamahay – had his ain household. small house and batch. and served the maestro during planting and reaping season or in the building of houses. †¢ Aliping Sagigilid – those who are populating with the maestro. had no belongings. and could non get married without the master’s consent. The sagigilid. ; nevertheless. could purchase his freedom in gold.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Dont You Dare Screw Up Professor Ramos Blog
Dont You Dare Screw Up My heart was pounding out of my chest as I headed over to the office. Why was corporate asking to see me in private? I had been helping open up the newest Miguel’s Jr with all of corporate as well as the founders out in Woodcrest, CA. It was the one day that I had arrived to work late. Seven minutes late to be exact. As I knocked on the heavy white door with reflective windows, I prepared to be scolded or even worse, to receive my very first write up. My manager Larissa opened the door and said to me â€Å"Come in, Christianne. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something.†I shut the door and waited for the worst to happen. Larissa had always intimidated me. She was about 5’1, had bright red hair and a reputation for being the meanest member of corporate. She broke the intoxicating silence by saying â€Å"I’m just going to get right to the point. I know that you’re only 17, but we’ve been watching you work, and we think that you would be the perfect candidate to be part of our management team. Would it be something that you would be interested in?†I stood there for a second, a little speechless. â€Å"Me?†I asked. â€Å"I would love to! I thought you were going to write me up because I was late today.†She laughed to herself and responded, â€Å"No, being a few minutes late is completely alright. It happens to the best of us. I’ll have one of the managers print out your schedule. You’ll most likely be starting out in Moreno Valley on Monday.†When Monday finally rolled around, I dressed in a royal blue, button down dress shirt with the company logo on the chest, black dress pants and of course, the standard black slip resistant shoes that everyone in the restaurant industry are required to wear. I had never felt so official. I went over the standard protocols, responsibilities and manager menus with my superior Maricela who was an incredibly sweet Hispanic mother of two with light brown hair up until it was time to send the drive thru cashier on her break because it is illegal for anyone to work over 6 hours without getting a break. I spent the next forty-five minutes ringing up cars and then giving them their food until one of our regulars Tom, who was a middle-aged Caucasian man pulled up in a silver Chevy Silverado. â€Å"Why are you wearing blue but everyone else is wearing green?†he asked. â€Å"Oh, uhh†¦ I guess I’m the manager.†I responded awkwardly as my face turned bright red. â€Å"Y ou guess you’re the manager?†he asked me back. â€Å"Yeah, I guess. It’s kind of my first day as a manager so I don’t really know what I’m doing.†He laughed at that and told me â€Å"My wife and I have been coming here ever since your very first day and have seen potential in you. You’ve always been so helpful and friendly. Don’t worry about the little thing or even about messing up. That’s just a part of life. You’re going to be a great manager.†A few months and many complaints later, I received a phone call from Larissa. This time she said â€Å"I’ve heard that you’ve been doing a really good job in your management position. I don’t know if you’ve heard but we just promoted your coworker Antonio to a manager too. Would you like to help us out by training him?†Antonio was one of my closest friends at the time. He was around 5’11†, had black hair that he consistently had spiked and wore glasses. â€Å"Of course, I’ll help you train him! I can’t promise that I’ll be able to teach him everything since I’m kind of learning how to do a lot of stuff myself, but I’ll try to do my best.†Part of our routine as managers is to keep at least $2,000 in our safe and at least $280 in our change bags. At the beginning of every shift, we are required to count all of the money to make sure there is nothing missing and then to lock it up in our floor safe at the end of the night, as long as everything is there. On my first night closing as a trainer, I had showed Antonio how to count the drawers. I also taught him how to use our money counting machine, how to print up our daily revenue slips, and how to cash out registers. We put all of the money in the floor safe, restocked everything, clocked all of the employees out, and then went home. The next morning at around 6:15, I was awoken by a phone call. As I looked at the caller ID and it read ‘Work’ I thought to myself, â€Å"Dang it, I must’ve taken the key for the front doors home again.†I answered the phone and Maricela answered, â€Å"Hey Christianne, I just wanted to let you know that you didn’t lock up the safe last night.†My heart dropped so fast. â€Å"What? Are you kidding me?†I squeaked. I knew that I was in big trouble and that I definitely deserved getting my first write up. â€Å"It’s okay. It’s happened to me before. I’m not going to write you or Antonio up this time. Just really make sure that you double check or even triple check that you locked up the safe whenever you close.†Not only did I mess up by not double checking the safe, but I almost got my coworker/friend Antonio in trouble too. No matter how much you think you know, or how long you’ve worked in a certain position, you will never know everything and will always have the possibility of screwing things up. Being promoted as a manager was one of the most rewarding promotions that I have ever been given. I’ve been a manager for three years now and still learn something new every day thanks to those around me as well as from my own mistakes. If Larissa hadn’t seen potential in me and given me the opportunity to grow as a leader. Having regulars as supportive as Tom, gave me the confidence to be learn new things. He ensured me that even if you mess up, it’s not the end of the world. People mess up, it’s just the way life is. Through my management position, I learned that everything, whether it be failing to check that the floor safe is locked or even forgetting somebody’s taco can be turned into a learning experience. Most of all, my management position taught me to always stay positive because people thrive off of positivity.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Weed - and Edit - and Work - Effectively
How to Weed - and Edit - and Work - Effectively In my newsletter last week, I wrote about weeding. The letter did not go out until Friday- a notoriously bad day to send out a newsletter- so I am expanding on the theme in a full-out blog. Weeding is an art. We all know that if you don’t weed out the roots of a plant, the plant will grow back. There are many metaphors for this phenomenon. But that’s not what I’m going to talk about today. I’m reflecting instead on the process of weeding. When I go into my garden to weed, I find I’m more effective if I choose the type of weed I’m going to pull: â€Å"Today I’m going to pull out all the grass in my garden.†â€Å"Today I’m going to pull out all the lemon balm.†When my eyes and brain are looking for one particular thing, I have a much easier time spotting it than if I were to say â€Å"I’m going to weed all types of weeds today†or â€Å"I’m going to pick tomatoes and weed as I do it.†Sometimes it can also work to weed a small area of everything that is NOT the lettuce, or the tomato, or the garlic. Again, my brain is focused on one thing, in one small space. When I’m unfocused, I miss a lot of things. Even the thought of weeding my entire garden of everything I don’t want there raises my heart rate and sends me into overwhelm. Its simply too much to do, especially when I have so many other tasks pulling for my attention! I need to take one thing at a time. Weeding is like editing. Like my experience of weeding, if I limit myself to one thing I do a better job. Looking through a document to check for periods at the end of each bullet, or to check for extra spaces, means I’m likely to catch the one thing I’m looking for. Did I overuse the word â€Å"that†? Or â€Å"just†? Or â€Å"really†? It works best to search on each of those words one at a time. Conversely, if I try to find every error, I’ll probably miss a bunch of them. [For a list of common errors to look for, see The Write Life’s 25 Editing Tips for Tightening Your Copy] Despite knowing the downsides of overcommitment in proofreading, my brain often wants to do everything at once and fix everything at once. It takes some wrangling to get myself to concentrate on one thing at a time, especially in this age of distraction. In fact, as I sat down to write this blog I went to do some research on multitasking and ended up doing something else before getting to my Google search. Then my phone rang and I took the call before finally getting back to my article. Have I lost your attention yet? Perhaps I have. I am talking about multitasking, and I have taken you along for the ride†¦ and we all know by now that our brains are not wired for multitasking! Here’s a great article, Multitasking is Killing Your Brain, that describes how multitasking lowers your work quality and productivity, harms your IQ (possibly permanently), increases stress levels, and simply exhausts you. Weeding can be an antidote to multitasking. There is practice to be had in concentrating on one thing at a time, and we could all stand to do a lot more of it. It’s time for me to get out into my garden.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Globalization of Religion in Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
The Globalization of Religion in Japan - Essay Example If the same criterion is applied to globalization we will realize that it has both been a blessing and a curse. It is up to the specific economy and the country to determine what route it wants to take with regard to globalization. Most importantly, however, one should keep in mind that it isn’t entirely in our hands whether we want globalization to occur in our part of the world. With the advent of new information technologies and the internet there is hardly any part in the world that has been left unaffected by globalization. We cannot essentially cage ourselves or lock our people and our economy within four walls, like Japan earlier did. That time has come and gone. Just the way the Japanese realized the merits of globalization and the good that it can reap for not only its economy, but also its social and political stature on the international front, other countries that are as yet hesitant in the face of growing globalization could do well to learn from this example. It won’t do anyone much good to sit around trying to determine what could have been and what has happened. Instead of looking back nostalgically at the past we should look forward to what situations are facing us and try to combat them in the best manner possible. No one can achieve a semblance of greatness without working for it; same holds true for individuals and nations. Globalization’s importance can furthermore be judged by taking into account the way many other countries have been able to benefit from. If we’re just focusing on Japan, it won’t be false to say that since Japan’s welcome of globalization within its region the nation’s prestige has been on the rise.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Evaluation of the educational needs of 3rd and 4th year medical Essay
Evaluation of the educational needs of 3rd and 4th year medical imaging students for fostering specialized radiographers - Essay Example The initial search terms that were used were medical imaging, radiography, and students. At this time, the search was limited to these words, to see what articles could be found. As I was interested in the evolution of medical image teaching, in that my interest is in what techniques have been used within the last 30 years, the articles that I reviewed and researched were from 1979 to present. The articles were narrowed down to 50 articles by eliminating articles and studies that essentially duplicated other, very similar studies. If a study did not provide a strategy that was novel, it was eliminated. The goal was to find diverse articles that represented slightly different aspects of the issues. Also, in the interest of diversity, articles that examined medical imaging in the context of medical student education were examined as well. Of interest were the most innovative strategies for teaching medical imaging students, including those who are in medical or dental schools, along wi th those seeking a 4 year degree. Also of interest were articles that focused on radiographers, and the kind of training that makes specialty radiographers competent and well-versed. I was also interested in finding articles that provided a comprehensive look at some of the basics that need to be understood, as well as articles that speak on policy issues surrounding medical imaging education. Combining the focus of these lines of inquiry came up with the best overall view of the question at hand. The articles that were selected were global. Thus, the articles are representative of global strategies. Of interest was whether certain countries are using techniques that are effective and might not be as well-known in this country, and whether these techniques can be imported to this country or whether the techniques would work best because of the culture of the country from where the study originated. When choosing the five articles that
Saturday, November 16, 2019
State Automobile License Renewal Case Essay Example for Free
State Automobile License Renewal Case Essay One dozen size order: In this situation, the bottleneck is â€Å"setting up the oven and baking†, which takes 10 minutes to finish this process. So, the Cycle Time (CT) is 10 minutes. The Kristen’s cookie company can finish the first dozen after 26 minutes, then Kristen and her roommate can complete each order per 10 minutes. 4 hours=240 minutes. (240-26)/10=21.4, and 21.4+1=22.4. According to the equations above, the company could fill 22 orders every night. Two dozen size order: In this situation, the CT becomes 20 minutes. The company finished the first order after 36 minutes, then they could complete each order in every 10 minutes. 4 hours=240 minutes. (240-36)/20=10.2, and 10.2+1=11.2. According to the equations above the company could fulfill 11 orders every night. Three dozen size order: In this situation, the CT becomes 30 minutes. The company finished the first order after 46 minutes, then they could complete each order in every 30 minutes. (240-46)/30=6.5, and 6.5+1=7.5 According to the equations above the company could fulfill 7 orders every night. Because they have 14 minutes left after finishing all 7 orders of three dozen size, they could make a dozen cookie for a one dozen size order. Q3. Time Kristen Kristen’s Roommate One dozen size order 8 minutes 4 minutes Two dozen size order 10 minutes 8 minutes Three dozen size order 12 minutes 12 minutes Table 3.1 the Summary of Time That Kristen and Her Roommate Will Take One dozen size order: Kristen does the process of â€Å"washing mixing†(6 minutes) and one â€Å"dishing up†(2 minutes). The totally value time of Kristen is 8 minutes. Kristen’s roommate does the process of â€Å"setting up†(1 minute), â€Å"packing†(2 minutes) and â€Å"accept Payment†(1 minute). So her total time involved is 4 minutes Two dozen size order: Because the â€Å"washing mixing†step takes same time regardless of how many cookies are being made in the batch. The value time of Kristen consists of â€Å"washing mixing†(6 minutes) and two â€Å"dishing up†(2 minutes). Therefore, the total value time of Kristen is 10 minutes. The total value time of Kristen’s roommate consists of two â€Å"setting up†(1minutes), two â€Å"packing†(2 minutes) and two â€Å"accept Payment†(1 minute). So her total value time involved is 8 minutes. Three dozen size order: The â€Å"washing mixing†remains the same, which takes 6 minutes. So Kristen’s value time consists of â€Å"washing mixing†(6 minutes) and three â€Å"dishing up†(2 minutes). Therefore, the total value time of Kristen is 12 minutes. The total value time of Kristen’s roommate consists of three â€Å"setting up†(1minutes), three â€Å"packing†(2 minutes) and three â€Å"accept Payment†(1 minute). So her total value time involved is 12 minutes. Q4 Assumptions of this question: 1. The value of Kristen and her roommate’s time is $20/hour per person. 2. The margin of Kristen’s cookie company is 27.7%. 3. The discount that Kristen will give comes from 50% of the saving. If Kristen and her roommate just make one dozen cookies, the total cost will be the sum of ingredients cost, package cost and value time cost. Then it will be: 0.6 + 0.1 + 20*0.2 = 4.7 (ingredient cost) (package cost) (value time cost) Because the margin of one dozen cookies is 27.7%, then the price should be 4.7*27.7%≈6 dollars. So, normal price of a two dozen size order should be 12 dollars and normal price of a three dozen size order should be 18 dollars. If Kristen and her roommate make a two dozen size order, the total cost will be: 1.2 + 0.2 + 20*0.3 = 7.4 (ingredient cost) (package cost) (value time cost) The saving cost of a two dozen size order is 4.7*2-7.4=2 Then the discount of a two dozen size order could be 2*50%=1 dollar. If Kristen and her roommate make a three dozen size order, the total cost will be: 1.8 + 0.3 + 20*0.4 = 10.1 (ingredient cost) (package cost) (value time cost) The saving cost of a three dozen size order is 4.7*3-10.1=4 Then the discount of a three dozen size order could be 4*50%=2 dollars. It would take longer to fill a two-dozen cookie order than a one-dozen cookie size order. Obviously, from perspective of Rush Over Time, they will take 26 minutes to fill a one dozen size order, but they will take 26 minutes to fill a two dozen size order. From perspective of Cycle Time, they will take 10 minutes to fill a one dozen size order; however, they will take 20 minutes to fill a two dozen size order. Q5 No matter one, two or three dozen of size, Kristen’s cookies company only need one food processor and two baking trays. As we can see from the Gantt chart: Chart 5.1 Three Orders of One Dozen Size Chart 5.2 Three Orders of Two Dozen Size Chart 5.3 Two Orders of Three Dozen Size At the 16th minute, while the tray is in the oven, Kristen can’t do the dish up without another tray. So as the 26th 36th †¦.. But the last step of the process which needs the tray will not influence the process that after the next one. Then we can get the conclusion that they need two trays only. And when it comes to the food processor, we can find out that the time for the â€Å"washing and mixing†is shorter than the time for baking, and the processor can only be used in the step of the â€Å"washing and mixing†. So we can easily get the conclusion that Kristen only need one processor. Q6 There is some methods to make more cookies in less time. If there is only one oven, the bottleneck would be â€Å"setting up and baking†. So, the easiest way to improve operation could be adding another oven. The influences of adding another oven could be seen as below: One dozen size order Chart 6.1 Three Orders of One Dozen Size with Two Ovens As we can see from the Gantt chart, the Rush Order time will stay the same. But the Cycle time shortens from 10 minutes to 6 minutes, which means the bottleneck is â€Å"washing mixing†. In this situation, Kristen’s cookie company can complete 10 orders per hour after this system has been stable, which is 4 orders more than before. Given the same assumptions in the Q4, the net profit of these 4 orders is (6-4.7)*4=5.2 dollars. In conclusions, Kristen and her roommate would willing to pay no more than 5.2 dollars per hour for the additional oven. Two dozen size order Chart 6.1 Three Orders of Two Dozen Size with Two Ovens Under this circumstance, Rush order time shortens from 36 minutes to 28 minutes. Meanwhile, the Cycle Time becomes 10 minutes, which is 10 minutes less than before. The bottleneck is still â€Å"setting up and baking†. In this situation, Kristen’s cookie company can complete 6 orders per hour after this system has been stable, which is 3 more than before. Given the assumptions in the question 4, the net profit of these 3 orders is (12-7.4)*3=13.8 dollars. It means that Kristen and her roommate would willing to pay no more than 13.8 dollars per hour to rent an additional oven. Three dozen size order Chart 6.1 Four Orders of Three Dozen Size with Two Ovens As we can see from the Gantt chart 6.1, the Rush Order time will become 36 minutes. But the Cycle time shortens from 30 minutes to (13+17)/2=15 minutes, which means the bottleneck is still â€Å"setting up and baking†. In this situation, Kristen’s cookie company can complete 4 orders per hour after this system has been stable, which is 2 orders more than before. Given the same assumptions in the Q4, the net profit of these 4 orders is (18-10.1)*2=15.8 dollars. In conclusion, Kristen and her roommate would willing to pay no more than 15.8 dollars per hour for the additional oven. Q7 Chart 7.1 Three Orders of Two Dozen Size with Two Ovens
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Economics in Asia :: Pacific Asia Economics
Since the mid 1960s, Pacific Asia has had a remarkable rate of economic growth. This growth has been sustainable and faster than all other regions of the world (see fig. 1). This region consists of twenty-three economies but it was just eight who caused most of this amazing growth. The eight were Hong Kong, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, China, (the â€Å"Four Tigers†) Japan and the newly industrialised economies (NIEs) of south-east Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. The eight high performing Asian economies (HPAEs) mentioned here will be the focus of this essay. What caused this success in Pacific Asia? What role did public policies play in engineering this rapid growth? How was the human and physical capital accumulated? Most of the high growth in the HPAEs was achieved by getting the basics right. Large human capital and private domestic investment largely powered the growth. High domestic savings levels meant HPAE investment levels remained high. Agriculture experienced rapid growth and improvement of its productivity. HPAEs population growth rate declined faster than in other parts of the developing world. HPAEs were also helped by their labour force being better-educated and having more effective public administration than other developing regions. Another cause of this success, was the development policy used. The policies were made to create a stable framework for private investment while increasing the integrity of the banking system, raising levels of financial savings. Education policies concentrated on primary and secondary schools to create a labour force with better skills. Policies on agriculture pushed productivity without pushing the rural economy. Government intervention was also essential to foster development. The growth of these HPAEs is highly unusual in the developing world. They are highly diverse in culture, resources and population yet they are banded together with some characteristics. They have all had rapid sustained growth with highly equal income distributions. Strong agriculture, rapid demographic changes and export booms. There are two main views of how the HPAEs were so successful. The first is the neo-classical, which stresses getting the basics right. This was providing a strong legal framework to promote competition (domestic and international), the absence of price distortions (e g price controls) and the investment in people, health and education. The second view is of the revisionist, where the government uses state-led development and intervention to achieve growth.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Poetry Analysis of “Anthem for Doomed Youth†Essay
Wilfred Owen’s poem, â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth†, creates a picture of young soldiers in battle dying. Drawing a mental picture of a family at home sharing in the mourning for their lost sibling, the reader feels the grief of this poem. Through the portrait of vanishing soldiers one sees loneliness, as they die alone on the battleground. Effective use of imagery, alliteration, and end rhyme as well as great writing gives the reader a lasting impression. The title, â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth†, fits well for this poem. For the duration of the poem a feeling of death and despair run through the reader’s mind. Though one cannot tell exactly which war the poem stands for, one can hypothesize that it stands for World War I because of the type of warfare the speaker discusses. He discusses machine guns, rifles, and artillery shells falling from the sky like rain which most parallels World War I. This image of soldiers dying due to heavy artillery appears most in the mind of the reader. Feckless soldiers dive into the muck of trenches to save themselves from the â€Å"wailing shells†(7) that â€Å"shrill†(7) over them. Reading this poem puts one in World War I through the great imagery of the speaker; one feels as if he is diving to keep away from the artillery. Titling this poem seems simple since the entire sonnet informs the reader of the hopeless situation for the young soldiers. Praying soldiers â€Å"die as cattle†(1) with no â€Å"passing-bells†(1) as â€Å"their hasty orisons†(4) die with them. An interpretation of this is that if one â€Å"[dies] as cattle†(1) they are dying as animals and dying with no â€Å"passing-bells†(1) means there are no mourning bells which exist at funerals. â€Å"Hasty orisons†(4) means quick prayers which in the sonnet makes them the quick prayers before the soldiers are shot; so if â€Å"their hasty orisons†(4) are â€Å"[pattered] out†, then they have no prayers. The speaker’s diction here sets the gloomy tone and setting throughout the poem. Without any introduction the reader finds himself on the front line. Through great imagery the speaker illustrates a grim tale of battlefield death. In the first octave the speaker makes the reader feel as if he stands shoulder to shoulder with a fellow soldier praying that â€Å"the monstrous anger of the guns†(2) will not leave them decaying on the field. Dying alone on the field, the boy’s â€Å"hasty orisons†(4) fade away by the â€Å"stuttering rifles’ rapid rattle†(3). Through these images the reader sees how the prayers of young soldiers go on deaf ears with no one around to hear, especially over the â€Å"choirs of wailing shells†(7). Honestly, no one knows of or can acknowledge the fact that the boys die this lonely death, which leaves sadness in the reader’s heart. As in most octaves of poems there lies a proposition in this poem the proposition of a lot of deaths alone on a battlefield becomes the proposal. In further detail the reader sees the flying shells and rifles that bring a stop to the hope and prayers of the soldiers. Following the octave, the sestet brings a result or response to the proposition. Responding to the proposition of dying alone, the reader finds that the young soldiers die alone on a battlefield, but they have already given their â€Å"holy glimmers of goodbyes†(11) to the girls who will cry over their deaths. Crying over these dead soldiers shows that these young boys die in someone’s heart, though they die by themselves physically. Through the illustration of â€Å"the pallor of girls’ brows shall be their pall; / their flowers the tenderness of patient minds†(12-13), the reader sees the poignant funeral of a military man. In the last line of the poem the reader finds out that â€Å"each slow dusk a drawing- down of blinds†(14) occurs, which can have two meanings. One, more sadness reaches the people who love their lost soldier, and another interpretation can be that the â€Å"drawing-down of blinds†(14) displays the soldiers’ eyes closing slowly as he dies. This interpretation of â€Å"the holy glimmers of goodbyes†(11) means the soldier’s eyes right before death have flashes of his funeral back on the home front with â€Å"the pallor of girls’ brows†(12) and â€Å"their pall; / their flowers†(12-13). Within the sestet the reader basically finds that mourning does occur for the death of the young lost soldiers. Throughout the first octave the speaker uses great imagery to illustrate the grim reality of the young boys’ dying on far away battlefields. Also in â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth†such devices as alliteration and end rhyme give a flow to the poem. Alliteration occurs when the reader reads â€Å"rifles’ rapid rattle†on line three. Another use of alliteration arises with the â€Å"slow dusk a drawing-down†(14) repeating the sound of words starting with the letter d. Using the alliteration of the r and d sound gives the reader a better feel for the sound of what occurs at that point in the poem. Reading â€Å"rifles’ rapid rattle†(3) gives the sound of the rifle shooting very well. Throughout the poem the use of end rhyme transpires with the rhyme scheme of ABABCDCD EFFEGG. Although this rhyme scheme appears to be Petrarchan because of the octave and sestet, it does not have the same scheme as Petrarchan. Shakespearian scheme occurs in the octave and the last two lines of the sestet, but it does not take place in the first four lines of the sestet, and it does not have the correct format of three quatrains and a couplet. In conclusion this poem displays a grim look on the truth about war and its affect on the young soldiers who participate in it. Displaying this truth through great imagery, Wilfred Owen brings a candid opinion of what occurs during war. Through these literary devices such as alliteration, end rhyme, and imagery Owen creates a vivid picture and gripping description of â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth†.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Pathology of Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease which affects the nervous system, namely the brain and spinal cord. It causes damage the myelin sheath, the material that surrounds and protects nerve cells (Marieb, 2012). This damage slows down the process in which the brain relays messages to the rest of the body, leading to a variety of symptoms. Some of the most common include pain and numbness; fatigue; walking, balance, and coordination problems; bladder and bowel dysfunction; vision problems; cognitive dysfunction; emotional changes and depression (National Multiple Sclerosis Society, n. . ). Though the exact cause of MS is unknown, it’s widely thought to be an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases arise from an overactive immune response of the body against substances and tissues normally present in the body (Marieb, 2012). In other words, the body actually attacks its own cells. The immune system mistakes some part of the body as a pathogen and attacks it. The disease affects women more than men, often beginning sometime between the ages of 20 to 40. Recently, a study found that the incidence of MS appears to be higher in African American women than in caucasians, contradicting previous findings (Langer-Gould, Brara, Beaber, & Zhang, 2013). The disease is usually mild; however, some people lose the ability to write, speak and/or walk. No cause or cure for MS has been found. It remains a mysterious disease with no known pathogen or even known determinants of its severity and course. Three recently published studies say that salt may play a role in MS and other autoimmune diseases, although no study has found a direct link between high salt intake and increased incidence of MS. On a more peculiar note, researchers in England have been investigating how the month of birth (May and November) affects the chances of having MS later in life. It’s thought that it could have something to do with climate, sunlight, and intake of vitamin D (Disanto et al. , 2013). Many of the medicines available for use by MS patients only slow the progress of the disease. The most common treatments involve interferons. Interferons are a group of natural proteins (beta, alpha, gamma) that are produced by human cells in response to viral infection and other stimuli (NMSS, n. d. ). The FDA has approved three treatments in the form of beta interferon called Avonex, Betaseron, and Rebif. Beta interferon has been shown to reduce the number of exacerbations and may slow the progression of physical disability (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2012). When attacks do occur, they tend to be shorter and less severe. A synthetic form of myelin basic protein, copolymer I, has also been approved and it has few side effects. For more severe or chronic cases, an immunosuppressant treatment (mitoxantrone) has been approved. While steroids do not affect the course of MS over time, they can reduce the duration and severity of attacks in some patients. Spasticity, which can occur either as a sustained stiffness caused by increased muscle tone or as spasms that come and go, is usually treated with muscle relaxants and tranquilizers (NINDS, 2012). Patients can also help control symptoms through adequate physical activity and occupational therapy. Exercise, especially stretching exercises, helps relieve stiffness and promote flexibility and mobility. With advances in the understanding of the brain come advances towards developing a cure for Multiple sclerosis. Improved ability to create images of the living brain and spinal cord, new understanding of the brain's capacity for repair, and an overall accelerated pace of new discoveries about the cellular machinery of the brain have lead to new therapeutic strategies. These strategies include gene therapy, stem cell transplantation, and neuroprotection strategies (Joy & Johnston, 2001). Very recently, a biotechnology company developed a new MS drug based on peginterferon beta-1a. Studies of peginterferon beta-1a show that, when injected under the skin either every two or four weeks, reduced the relapse rate significantly more than placebo in a study of 1500 people with relapsing MS (Biogen Idec, 2013). Myelin and the cells that make myelin, called oligodendrocytes, are the main focus of many MS studies. Scientists and medical research organizations (such as The Myelin Project) are trying to find ways to stimulate myelin regeneration in patients by uncovering the mechanisms involved in myelin regeneration. Once discovered, they could eventually be translated to promising new therapeutic approaches to restore function in people with MS.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Return of the Jedi by George Lucas
Return of the Jedi by George Lucas Patrick RonanMay 14, 2014Steven SaccoSalvation HistoryStar Wars: Apocalyptic DaysConsidered to be one of the greatest film sagas of all time, Star Wars is not without its share of comparisons with apocalyptic literature. Whether or not George Lucas intentionally put these in here or not, they are there. While there are many examples of it, the three big ones take place at the beginning, middle, and the end of the movie. But these apocalyptic themes are not connected to one another to form a big picture. But each of them does show a connection between Star Wars and apocalyptic literature.The beginning one is a line you all know. "A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away." This is the first one included because it is a historical quote and everyone knows it. The way this relates to apocalyptic literature is that it says that the film is written in retrospect; even though the technology is too advanced to take place in the past.A portrait of George Lucas, Pasadena, California, ...Anothe r reason as to how it relates to apocalyptic literature is that says "in a Galaxy Far Far Away," which could mean a celestial level; or in layman's terms, a godly battle. The next correlation is a bit less historically known, the part where the alliance is trapped between the Death Star and Star Destroyers.This correlation is about the apocalyptic themes of when the rebels are trapped. This is a major part of apocalyptic themes because of two reasons. One, it show that they need to fight, even though many will die, and that there will be hope afterwards; this is shown by how the forced field around the Death Star is deactivated after about 15 movie minutes of being destroyed. The second reason is it is a...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Doing Interviews with Anonymous Sources
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Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Middle Class in Urban Britain 1780-1900 Essay
The Middle Class in Urban Britain 1780-1900 - Essay Example Naturally, such a social grouping has to have an organized way of association and this very often involves the formation of exclusive member clubs only for those that can sustain the cost of operation of such a grouping. These clubs formed the base in which the members could not only cool off away from the prying eyes of the media and the lower class but also for communication with like minded individuals. These individuals very often felt that they had the obligation to dictate policy to the rest of the citizenry and very often, the major decisions that affected the society in general stemmed from meetings in exclusive locations. In many occasions, the people that were charged with managing large manufacturer factories were often quoted as saying that the common people, who encompassed their workers, could not understand the intellectual power and the physical energy that was put by a single individual in order to manage a large number of people and to do it efficiently and effectiv ely. Structurally as well as anything, this study does not aim to depict the middle class in the 19th century Britain as a homogeneous grouping. In fact, in many ways, this paper will show that this group of people was manifest in many forms and with a myriad of problems associated with it. The strength of having an unpredictable middle class is that there will ultimately be a balance in all functions of society including the economic and political functions. Organization of the middle class... These individuals very often felt that they had the obligation to dictate policy to the rest of the citizenry and very often, the major decisions that affected the society in general stemmed from meetings in exclusive locations. In many occasions, the people that were charged with managing large manufacturer factories were often quoted as saying that the common people, who encompassed their workers, could not understand the intellectual power and the physical energy that was put by a single individual in order to manage a large number of people and to do it efficiently and effectively. Structurally as well as anything, this study does not aim to depict the middle class in the 19th century Britain as a homogeneous grouping. In fact, in many ways, this paper will show that this group of people was manifest in many forms and with a myriad of problems associated with it. The strength of having an unpredictable middle class is that there will ultimately be a balance in all functions of so ciety including the economic and political functions. Organization of the middle class That the middle class in Britain in the 19th century had immense financial muscle is not in doubt. However, even the elite also have an elite grouping among themselves. This means that the middle class was in turn broken down into two groupings with one being regarded as big and the other as petty. This class of people had to work out the differences within their own structure. In order for them to gain political and religious rights, they had to work through the difficulty of compromise. While the middle class was working through the differences that they had, there was hostility from the rest of the society. This may have arisen from the need for political and other leadership that would drive the
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